About Us

Who We Are​

Welcome to Simple Guru! My name is Ameera Ghosein, and I’m thrilled to share my journey and passion for web development with you.
My Journey
I began my career in web development much like many of you – through online courses. These courses ignited my curiosity and set me on a path of continuous learning and discovery. Over the years, I have honed my skills and gained invaluable experience working for some of the largest IT companies in the industry.
Professional Experience
My professional journey has taken me through various roles and projects, allowing me to work with cutting-edge technologies and innovative teams. From building dynamic user interfaces with React to ensuring robust backend systems with Node.js, I’ve had the privilege of contributing to diverse and exciting projects.
Why Simple Guru?
After years of working in the IT industry, I realized my true passion lies in teaching and sharing knowledge. I founded Simple Guru to help aspiring web developers like you achieve their goals. My aim is to provide comprehensive, accessible, and high-quality courses that empower you to excel in the world of web development.
Our Mission
At Simple Guru, our mission is to make web development education accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or location. We believe that with the right guidance and resources, anyone can master the skills needed to succeed in this dynamic field.
Join Us
I invite you to join our community and embark on your own journey towards becoming a skilled web developer. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to advance your skills, our courses are designed to support you every step of the way.
Thank you for visiting Simple Guru. I look forward to seeing you in our courses and helping you unlock your full potential in web development.

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